COVID-19 UPDATE as of October 2, 2020

The COVID–19 pandemic has brought with it unique challenges for all of us. One of the bright spots through this trial has been the fact golf courses remained open. While we have enjoyed seeing many of you on the course, we continue to face difficulties brought on by the pandemic.
Our entire staff has worked tirelessly to provide a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for all of our golfers, members, and other staff. Based on surveying and feedack this has gone extremely well.

Our Cart Policy Has Reverted Back to 2 Players in a Cart

The recent relaxation of guidelines by the Governor’s office allows two people to ride in the same cart once again. With this update we have some changes for single ridger cart requests.

New Convenience Fee for Single Rider Cart Requests

To help offset the additional cost incurred over the last 7 months from the increased usage of carts, the wear and tear on those carts because of the additional usage, the additional labor required for cart cleaning and sanitation, not to mention the distress of turf conditions due to the extra cart usage, our facility can no longer maintain the “one cart, one golfer” policy, without charging a nominal Convenience Fee. The convenience fee will be $10 for 18 holes and $5 for $9 holes. This will be in addition to your cart and green fee. This will go into effect starting Monday, October 5th, 2020. All golfers will be notified at the time of their booking that single cart requests will be assessed a Convenience Fee based on the number of holes being played. We thank you in advance for your understanding and adoption of this new policy.

We are very grateful for each and every one of you. Please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you on the course enjoying this wonderful game!

Thank you!


Do Not Touch Flagsticks

We have trimmed pool noodles in the holes to prevent the golf ball from going into the cup making it safer to retrieve.


Social Distance Tee Times

Tee times have been increased to 10 minute intervals to create a greater distancing between groups on the first tee and the golf course.


Single Cart Availability

There will be single cart usage available upon request. Tee time starts may be affected by availability of golf carts. See above update regarding convenience fee for single rider cart requests.

  • 2 Persons per Golf Cart is permissible at this time. Single cart usage available upon request. Contact Golf Shop for more information. See above update regarding convenience fee for single rider cart requests.
  • Driving Range, Practice Facility and Putting Greens are OPEN for use.
  • We recommend reserving your tee time online or calling the course in advance of play.
  • Due to increased intervals, tee time availability may be limited.
  • We have restricted access to the clubhouse to facilitate social distancing procedures.
  • We have moved the credit card swipe to the countertop and are asking all golfers to swipe their own card when checking in for golf.
  • We prefer credit/debit card purchases but also accepting cash.
  • We repeatedly sanitize touchpoints on golf carts, range bags, restrooms and throughout clubhouse. Carts are cleaned before and after each use.
  • Ball washers and water coolers have been removed from the golf course to eliminate touchpoints throughout your round.
  • All bunker rakes have been removed from the course. Smooth out with your feet as best you can.
  • Food & Beverage service is open in the dining room and on the patio with limited seating.
  • Sit down Food & Beverage service both indoors and outdoors has reduced capacity to follow proper safety protocols.
  • Just in case…maybe extend the “circle of friendship” on putts. We are encouraging giving putts inside of 2 feet.
  • Most importantly…DO NOT golf if you are sick. Be responsible around others. Actions speak louder than words at this time.
  • Please continue practicing social distancing with your group.


Current Pool Update During Phase 2

Maximum allowed at the facility – 126

Maximum allowed in the water at one time – 30

No Guests allowed during Phase 2

Routine sanitation of all high touchpoints throughout the day and at closing

Shareable floats and toys will not be allowed during phase 2

Water fountain/drink machines will be closed throughout phase 2

All pool furniture has been spaced out to comply with social distancing requirements

Hours of Operation: Monday 10:00-6:00 / Tuesday-Sunday 10:00-7:00